Thursday, March 10, 2011

Volume II

Welcome to our new blog "The Little Prince".

The title comes from a picture that I painted for Xavier's room before he was born. As Xavier is getting older I found it fitting to start a new journal for him. Thus keeping "Dream a little dream" as a pregnancy and baby journal. Last week we had "Dream a little dream" made into a book through an online website. It was so exciting seeing our blog turn into a hard cover book. My eyes welled up as I looked at the finished product online. This past Wednesday we received "Dream a little dream" blog to book at our doorstep. I couldn't wait to open the small brown box. Looking through our experiences on pages, actual pages that we can hold in our hands is amazing. I look forward towards the future with Xavier and Marc. Its going to be interesting to see how this story of The little Prince will unfold. Hmm, maybe this little prince will have a side kick??? Who knows...but for now let's get this blog started.

With out further adieu here's the Little Prince...

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