Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look for the Rainbow

We headed up to New York on a blustery, rainy Thursday. There were tornado warnings up and down the east coast, so we were trying to leave as soon as possible. Literally five minutes before we were ready to walk out that door, the rains came. With the rain there was thunder. With the thunder there was panic. I hate traveling in inclement weather. It seems like people just don't know how to drive and there's always accidents on the highway. With our goal in mind and time not waiting for anyone ("Time waits for no man" as my Grandma Doris would say). Marc took all our suitcases out to the Explorer. Let me tell u Xavier gas prices are high, that's why we're taking the "better on gas" vehicle (Gas price in Pennsylvania: $3.95 regular and in N.Y. $4.25 regular). Soaking wet, Marc took Lil' X to the car and buckled him in. As we ran to the car with just our hoodies shielding us, I thought about how sugar melts in the rain. Aaand we're off!

It continued to rain all day on Tommy's birthday. The weather I know was a reflection of how many hearts felt on this day. We love and miss you dearly Tommy. When the rain stopped we all went outside and released balloons in honor of Tommy's birthday. Away the brightly colored "ma-boons" as Xavier would say, blew high up in sky sending with them our prayers and thoughts to Tommy.
The next day turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day. The sun was shining, white puffy clouds over head, and temperature was comfortably in the low seventies. The three of us headed out to the cemeteries, we stopped along the way to pick up flowers. Crisp white lilies with an assortment little delicate flowers for Grandaddy and his Bride. "Happy birthday in heaven" banner surrounded with purple flowers for Tommy.

Solemnly we reflect.

We stayed in New York for three more days. Going back to the cematary on saturday along with Grandmama and Auntie with her family.

Supporting one another is what family is all about. This is how we stay connected, form stronger bonds and create cherished memories. God is Great always.


  1. Dear Sonia,
    How very beautifully you described our heavy hearts, yet at the same time expressed how we are filled with joyous love and wonderful memories of our Dearest Tommy. Our family will never be the same without his physical presence, yet Tommy's spiritual presence is strong and must sustain us somehow. God bless!

  2. I love your thoughtful and heartfelt words. They captured my mood perfectly concerning last weekend. I thank you so much for writing about it on the blog, because I know we are creating this for Xavier. It means everything to me that he, Isaiah, and Wesley share our love for Tommy and keep his memory in our hearts. So much of life is about recognizing Gods miracle within each of us, and being thankful for the blessings God places upon us. I love my family, I love my life, and I am a better man for having Tommy as my brother. Happy Birthday "Boy". I love you always.
