Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

This past weekend was Mommys 3rd mothers day. We had a very nice sunday brunch with Mommys Mommy, aka Grandma Flo. Xavier took full advantage of the open eating area of the Sheraton hotel to run, crawl, lay out on the floor, and visit every other table. Ugh, i guess theres no way around the public spectacle that is restraining a toddler. It'll take you out of your comfort zone everytime.
Which brings us back to Mama. We thank you Mommy everyday for everything you do for your baby boy. Especially these days when it seems like everything is a battle. From mealtimes (this kid eats nothing willingly), to changings (but hes doing fine with potty training so far), to keeping him clean (as well as everything around him! Xav' seems to spill, drop, and blow up everything he touches), Mom is right behind him, keeping him on track.
But the cool thing about it, is seeing that bond get stronger between mother and son. Xavier loves his mom so much. I can already see his desire to help and protect her. It makes me feel good, because i see it as a little glimpse into the future, when Xavier becomes a young man. And thats how I want to raise him. To love, love, love his mother always. Thanks Mommy! Today and forever for taking care your little boy (and your big boy) LOL!

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