Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beauty in small things

Marc had off today, so it was his idea to take us to Adventure Aquarium in New Jersey. Today was a sunny 80 degrees and humid, a perfect day to be in air conditioning. This is the first time going to the aquarium this year so we were really looking forward to it.

We started off by looking at the penguins just outside the aquarium. We saw many animals today but I must say that the penguins were Xavier's favorite. Xavier let out a big "WoooW" as we walked closer to the penguins. They were so small and so cute we all fell in love with them. In all the times we went to the aquarium the penguins were never out. Luckily for us we got to see them for the first time. The zoo keeper was really friendly and answered all of our questions. She had gotten Xavier involved by letting him blow bubbles to the penguins. This made the penguins excitedly swim and catch the bubbles. As much fun we were having we had to move on to the other animals. Another first we saw were the hippos out of water! We stood at the side of the tank where the hippos were in a playful mood. Their heads came right up to the glass above water and we saw them face to face. This was a little scary but we enjoyed watching them up close. Then they both walked out onto their platform where we could see how they really looked out of water. It was great! Colorful birds were flying over head all the while, and I was hoping we wouldn't get pooped on.
The New Jersey Adventure Aquarium is the best I've been too.

We came to the jelly fish exhibits and we sang "jumping jellyfish" from yogabba gabba. At each exhibit theres a small platform that little kids can stand on right up to the glass. Each time I put Xavier to stand on one he wanted me to pick him right up. I guess it was a lil too close for comfort for him. Then there was the under water tunnel where the sharks and other water creatures can swim right above your head. Xavier was a little apprehensive at first but then he started to warm up in a matter of a few minutes. Another of Xavier's favorite sea animal is the huge sea turtle. Marc and I were like big kids watching all the underwater animals swim. They are so beautiful and graceful, they seemed like they were slowly flying under water. Absolutely breathtaking. This made me think of how we really need to take care of this earth. Theres so much natural beauty in this world that God has created for us and its so careless of human beings to try to spoil it.

Earlier on in the week just a quick note:

We enjoyed Grandma Flo's 3 day visit, we didn't want to let her leave
Xavier has been using the big white throne all by his lil' self "snaps"
Monday Xavier's big boy bed came in
Last Thursday we welcomed Atlee Reese, Xaviers new cousin to the family!

I've been praying with Xavier each night before we go to bed. His new thing now is he likes to say "again" after we are done. So I have him recite the Lords Prayer one to two words at a time. He does an excellent job with every word. On some nights when we're laying in bed Xavier will already have his hands folded and says to me "pray mommy" and we pray. Last night while I was brushing my teeth, Marc was in the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed. Xavier crawled up right next to him, clasped his and said "Our father...". How pure and sweet was this to see them both praying. This is one of the most important lessons that we teach our son. I'm looking foreward to see how Xaviers relationship with God will grow as he becomes a man. I'm so proud of my little 2 and a half year old boy or baby as I still like to say. I've always thought of Xavier as being very sophisticated for his age. A big smile and I chuckle to myself as I write this. He has not pushed, pulled, scratched, or bit another child. This I know for sure. I was blessed with a caring, sweet, and gentle natured son. I know Xavier was thoughtfully chosen for me, just like each star has been thoughtfully placed in the midnight sky. He is perfect just for me. My love, my heart, my son.

Children are little reminders of how we should be.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

This past weekend was Mommys 3rd mothers day. We had a very nice sunday brunch with Mommys Mommy, aka Grandma Flo. Xavier took full advantage of the open eating area of the Sheraton hotel to run, crawl, lay out on the floor, and visit every other table. Ugh, i guess theres no way around the public spectacle that is restraining a toddler. It'll take you out of your comfort zone everytime.
Which brings us back to Mama. We thank you Mommy everyday for everything you do for your baby boy. Especially these days when it seems like everything is a battle. From mealtimes (this kid eats nothing willingly), to changings (but hes doing fine with potty training so far), to keeping him clean (as well as everything around him! Xav' seems to spill, drop, and blow up everything he touches), Mom is right behind him, keeping him on track.
But the cool thing about it, is seeing that bond get stronger between mother and son. Xavier loves his mom so much. I can already see his desire to help and protect her. It makes me feel good, because i see it as a little glimpse into the future, when Xavier becomes a young man. And thats how I want to raise him. To love, love, love his mother always. Thanks Mommy! Today and forever for taking care your little boy (and your big boy) LOL!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look for the Rainbow

We headed up to New York on a blustery, rainy Thursday. There were tornado warnings up and down the east coast, so we were trying to leave as soon as possible. Literally five minutes before we were ready to walk out that door, the rains came. With the rain there was thunder. With the thunder there was panic. I hate traveling in inclement weather. It seems like people just don't know how to drive and there's always accidents on the highway. With our goal in mind and time not waiting for anyone ("Time waits for no man" as my Grandma Doris would say). Marc took all our suitcases out to the Explorer. Let me tell u Xavier gas prices are high, that's why we're taking the "better on gas" vehicle (Gas price in Pennsylvania: $3.95 regular and in N.Y. $4.25 regular). Soaking wet, Marc took Lil' X to the car and buckled him in. As we ran to the car with just our hoodies shielding us, I thought about how sugar melts in the rain. Aaand we're off!

It continued to rain all day on Tommy's birthday. The weather I know was a reflection of how many hearts felt on this day. We love and miss you dearly Tommy. When the rain stopped we all went outside and released balloons in honor of Tommy's birthday. Away the brightly colored "ma-boons" as Xavier would say, blew high up in sky sending with them our prayers and thoughts to Tommy.
The next day turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day. The sun was shining, white puffy clouds over head, and temperature was comfortably in the low seventies. The three of us headed out to the cemeteries, we stopped along the way to pick up flowers. Crisp white lilies with an assortment little delicate flowers for Grandaddy and his Bride. "Happy birthday in heaven" banner surrounded with purple flowers for Tommy.

Solemnly we reflect.

We stayed in New York for three more days. Going back to the cematary on saturday along with Grandmama and Auntie with her family.

Supporting one another is what family is all about. This is how we stay connected, form stronger bonds and create cherished memories. God is Great always.